Arm yourself with the Standard Chartered Visa Infinite Card before your next trip, and look forward to up to 3 miles per S$1 overseas spend, along with complimentary airport lounge visits, S$1 million in complimentary travel insurance and more!
Airmiles Local
1.4 miles per dollar
Airmiles Overseas
3 miles per dollar
Airport Lounge Access
6 visits per year*
Complimentary Travel Insurance
Up to S$1,000,000
Minimum Age
21 years old
Minimum Annual Income
S$ 150000
Monthly Spend Required
S$ 2000
Annual Fee Waiver
Not Available
Annual Fee
S$ 599.50
Foreign Currency Transaction Fee
3.5 %
Cash Advance Service Charge
S$ 15
Air Miles Conversion Fee
S$ 27
Minimum Payment
1 %
Late Payment Charge
S$ 100
Interest on Purchase
27.9 %
Interest on Cash Advance
29.9 %
Interest Free Period
22 days