The DCS Flex Visa Platinum Card gives you the freedom to choose your rewards—up to 8% in cashback, up to 8% investment credits, or up to 2.4 miles per dollar.
Cashback Overseas
8 %
Cashback Contactless Spend
6 %
Cashback Local Online Shopping
6 %
Cashback Base Rate
0.3 %
Minimum Age
21 years old
Minimum Annual Income
S$ 30000
Monthly Spend Required
S$ 600
Annual Fee Waiver
1 year
Annual Fee
S$ 196.20
Foreign Currency Transaction Fee
3.25 %
Cash Advance Service Charge
S$ 20
Minimum Payment
5 %
Late Payment Charge
S$ 100
Interest on Purchase
27.8 % p.a.
Interest on Cash Advance
29 % p.a.
Interest Free Period
52 days