Boasting the highest unlimited cashback in Singapore, the CIMB World Mastercard is a formidable card to own if you spend frequently on the following categories: dining, online food delivery, movies, digital entertainment, taxi rides, ride-hailing, automobile, and luxury goods
Cashback Dining
2 %
Cashback Base Rate
1 %
Cashback Local
2 %
Cashback Overseas
Up to 3 %
Minimum Age
21 years old
Minimum Annual Income
S$ 30000
Monthly Spend Required
S$ 1000 per month
Annual Fee Waiver
No Annual Fee
Annual Fee
No Annual Fee
Foreign Currency Transaction Fee
3 %
Cash Advance Service Charge
S$ 15
Minimum Payment
3 %
Late Payment Charge
S$ 100
Interest on Purchase
27.8 %
Interest on Cash Advance
28 %
Interest Free Period
23 Days