Determined to grow your savings with more intention? Check out The Ultimate Savings Guide for tips, how-to's and tools meant to help you get started on the right financial foot.
COVID-19 has certainly affected all of us in many ways. For one, the economic fallout, income losses and heightened job insecurity driven by the pandemic have forced many Singaporeans like you and I to take a good hard look at our financial situation despite how uncomfortable it might have been.
Back in June 2020, SingSaver conducted a study with 1,000 Singaporeans and PRs aged 18 and above to examine their biggest challenges with personal finance, financial habits as well as attitudes towards money. As surprising or unsurprising as it may be, there were sobering discoveries on the respondents’ savings habits.
Did you know 26% of respondents didn’t know where to start when it comes to taking better charge of their personal finances? Also, a whopping 30% of respondents said they had no adequate resources and knowledge, while 39% lamented that they didn’t have sufficient income or cash flow to build savings.

We’ve since taken the liberty to craft SingSaver’s first-ever visual savings guide — affectionately known as The Ultimate Savings Guide. This wholesome guide gives you a leg-up on owning your finances, even if you don’t know where to begin or what to do, all at no extra cost to you.
What is The Ultimate Savings Guide for COVID-19 and Beyond all about?
The Ultimate Savings Guide is an easy-to-understand resource filled to the brim with how-to’s and tools meant to help you get started on the right financial foot. Right from how you could save better and be more proactive about increasing your income streams to how you could make your money work harder through investment vehicles — we’ve included these invaluable nuggets of information for your perusal.
Of course, feel free to read up further on the SingSaver blog where you’ll find a wealth of information pertaining to personal finance for free. We’ve linked some of these within The Ultimate Savings Guide, too.
I want to take charge of my finances! What should I do?
Look no further if some of your key 2021 resolutions include sustaining healthier savings habits over the long run, being more intentional about your personal finances and improving your financial choices.
Split into three main levels, The Ultimate Savings Guide walks you through the steps to take in an organised manner.
In Level 1 (The Expenditure Lockdown), you’ll learn four all-important tricks to successfully save your way to an emergency fund and beyond. Some of the useful, actionable tips you could immediately apply include:
- Halving non-essential spending, such as food deliveries and online shopping
- A quick fix for your fixed expenditures, such as utilities and telco bills
- Playing your (cashback) card right to pile on monthly savings
- Identifying and stopping the money ‘slow-bleed’
But wait – that’s just Level 1, the tip of the iceberg! We’ve still got Levels 2 and 3 for you, replete with more tips and tricks on the following:
- Boosting your income during downtime
- Career upgrading tips for the new norm
- Road to financial freedom: Investment tips for beginners
- ...and more bonus tips within!
If you can’t wait to level up to those and act on your money in-flows, you might be glad to know you have free access to the full Ultimate Savings Guide.
All you have to do is sign up or log in to your SingSaver account. Easy peasy.
Trust us when we say The Ultimate Savings Guide for COVID-19 and Beyond is your first step towards managing your personal finances with greater intention.
COVID-19 has highlighted the real need for one to have sufficient savings. But having an emergency fund isn’t the be all, end allwhen our personal finances are involved. It’s never too late to start taking control of your money keeping the longer run in view, don’t you think?
Read these next:
Best Alternatives to Savings Accounts in Singapore
Fixed Deposit vs Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) vs Savings Account: Where To Put Your Money?
8 Ways To Accelerate Your Wealth In Singapore
Pros And Cons Of Keeping Your Savings In Your CPF Special Account
Uniquely Singaporean Things We Do To Accumulate Wealth
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