Find and Compare the Best Skydiving Travel Insurance

SingSaver team

SingSaver team

Last updated 27 May, 2024

Skydiving is an exhilarating experience, but it comes with its own set of risks. That’s why having travel insurance specifically tailored for skydiving is crucial. This specialised coverage protects you from the unique risks involved in skydiving.

When you're getting insurance for skydiving, it's important to know that regular travel insurance usually doesn't cover high-risk activities like skydiving. There are specific insurance policies for extreme sports that can cover skydiving, and they usually depend on the height of the jump and the associated risks. For example, skydiving from 10,000 feet at Franz Josef Glacier on the northwest coast of South Island, New Zealand, costs NZ$399 each and requires customised insurance, which is included in the ticket price.

Read on to find out how skydiving insurance can benefit you and discover the best plans for your next jump.

Why Skydivers Need Specialised Travel Insurance

If you're asking, "Do I need insurance for skydiving?" the answer should be clear. Skydiving is an obvious high-risk activity. It exposes you to a lot of risks, from severe injuries to damaging property during a hard landing, which standard travel insurance may not be enough to cover.

Additionally, skydiving usually takes place in more remote areas, far from medical facilities. If something goes wrong, you’ll probably need emergency medical evacuation, which is incredibly expensive. And no one wants to burden themselves or their family financially with these costs. That’s why skydiving travel insurance is so important — it covers all the high-risk aspects, providing the protection you need.

In addition to covering medical emergencies and evacuations, skydiving travel insurance also includes the standard benefits of travel insurance, like personal liability, baggage and personal effects cover, and travel delay insurance. Having this specialised insurance policy ensures that you’re fully protected, allowing you to jump into your adventures with peace of mind!

Types of Skydiving Covered

There are different types of skydiving that your skydiving travel insurance plan may or may not cover. Here are the main types of skydiving that specialised travel insurance usually cover:

  • Tandem skydiving: This involves jumping with an instructor harnessed to you. It’s ideal for beginners since the instructor manages the jump, free-fall, and parachute deployment.
  • Static line skydiving: In this type, the parachute is automatically deployed by a static line attached to the aircraft. It’s often used for military training and first-time solo jumps.
  • Accelerated free-fall: This type allows you to experience free-fall from the beginning. You jump with instructors holding onto you, providing guidance until you deploy your parachute.
  • Freeflying: This style includes different body positions during free-fall, like head-down or sit-flying. It’s generally more advanced and requires good control and stability in the air.

It’s very important to note that while these are the most common types of skydiving covered by specialised insurance policies, your plan may not cover all of them. Hence, we recommend ensuring that the type of skydiving you plan to do is covered by your travel insurance plan of choice. If you’re doing multiple jumps, do confirm that each one is insured.

If you’re unsure about the type of skydiving you’ll be doing, check with the organiser — they should be able to provide you with detailed information that you can then use to confirm with your insurance provider.

Lastly, if you have an existing life insurance plan, you may be wondering, "Does my life insurance cover skydiving?" The answer is that it really depends on how your policy is written, so you should check with your provider to best understand your coverage.

Risks of Skydiving

Skydiving involves many risks, and it’s important to be aware of them to understand why specialised travel insurance is necessary. You should also ensure your policy covers the specific risks associated with your skydiving activities, such as:

  • Equipment failure: Although rare, malfunctions with the parachute or other equipment can occur, leading to serious injury or fatality.
  • Human error: Mistakes made by the jumper or instructor, such as incorrect body position or delayed parachute deployment, can result in accidents.
  • Weather conditions: Adverse weather, like strong winds or sudden storms, can affect the jump and increase the risk of an accident.
  • Physical strain: The impact of landing and the force of free-fall can cause physical injuries, especially to the back, legs, or ankles.
  • Mid-air collisions: Jumpers can collide with each other during free-fall or parachute deployment, leading to injuries.
  • Medical emergencies: Conditions like heart attacks or panic attacks can occur during the intense experience of a skydive, requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Landing hazards: Landing in rough terrain, water, or near obstacles like trees and buildings can lead to injuries.

How to Choose The Right Travel Insurance for Skydiving

With the high-risk nature of the sport, it’s important to choose the best skydiving travel insurance plan for yourself. Making an informed choice becomes even more crucial when it’s for seniors, as they may face higher risks and medical costs. Here are the factors you should consider:

  • Medical expenses: This covers the cost of hospital treatment if you get injured. Given the potential severity of skydiving injuries, having comprehensive medical coverage ensures you can get the necessary treatment without worrying about exorbitant medical bills.
  • Types of skydiving covered: Not all skydiving insurance policies cover every type of skydiving. Ensure your policy includes the specific types of jumps you plan to do, whether it’s tandem, static line, or accelerated free-fall. 
  • Equipment coverage (personal or rental): Skydiving involves expensive equipment, whether personal or rented. Coverage for damage, loss, or theft of equipment is essential to protect your investment. This can include your parachute, wingsuit, or other gear necessary for your jumps.
  • Trip duration (single trip vs annual policy): Depending on how often you skydive, you might choose a single-trip policy or an annual policy. Single-trip skydiving insurance policies are ideal for one-off adventures, while annual policies can save money if you plan to skydive multiple times throughout the year.
  • Personal liability: This covers you in case you accidentally cause injury to someone else or damage property while skydiving. Personal liability insurance is vital as it protects you from potentially significant legal and compensation costs.

Naturally, if the travel insurance plan coverage is more extensive, it will cost more. However, valuing security and protection is important because skydiving accidents can happen, and the financial and emotional burden can be significant.

Common Exclusions and Limitations For Skydiving Travel Insurance

As with all other types of insurance plans, like sailing travel insurance and diving travel insurance, your skydiving travel insurance plan will have exclusions and limitations. These exclusions and limitations are specific situations or conditions that are not covered by your insurance policy. They exist to define the scope of coverage and manage the insurer's risk, so knowing these limitations is crucial to avoid unexpected surprises.

Here are some common skydiving insurance exclusions you should be aware of:

  • High-risk disciplines: Higher-risk types of skydiving, such as BASE jumping, wingsuit proximity flying, and night jumps, are often excluded from skydiving insurance coverage. These activities carry greater risks, and the exclusion means that injuries or incidents during these jumps won’t be covered, leaving you to bear the costs.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: This exclusion means any medical conditions you had before purchasing the skydiving travel insurance policy are not covered. If you have a pre-existing condition, any related medical expenses incurred during your trip will be your responsibility.
  • Restricted locations: Some skydiving insurance policies exclude coverage in certain high-risk locations. If you plan to skydive in a country or region deemed unsafe due to political instability, war, or other risks, your policy may not cover incidents that occur there. Ensure your destination is covered before you go.
  • Age and physical fitness: Many skydiving travel insurance insurers have age limits or fitness requirements for coverage. Seniors or those not meeting specific health criteria might find that their coverage is limited or premiums are higher. This ensures the insurer can manage the risk associated with insuring higher-risk individuals.

Safety Tips For Skydiving Holidays

While accidents beyond your control can happen, there are some precautions you can take to make your skydiving trip as safe as possible. Aside from purchasing skydiving insurance with adequate coverage, here’s what you can do:

  • Choose a reputable skydiving centre: Make sure the centre is certified and has experienced instructors. It is also advised to check reviews or ask for recommendations to ensure you’re in safe hands.
  • Get proper training: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced jumper, refresher courses and thorough training sessions can improve your skills and confidence.
  • Check your equipment: Always inspect your gear before every jump. Ensure your parachute, harness, and other equipment are in good condition and properly packed.
  • Follow safety protocols: Listen to your instructor’s advice and follow all safety guidelines. This includes proper body positioning, altitude awareness, and emergency procedures.
  • Stay in good health: Maintain your physical fitness and avoid skydiving if you’re feeling unwell or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Being in good health helps you react quickly and effectively during your jump.

Top Destinations for Skydiving

While skydiving is undoubtedly an exhilarating experience no matter where you do it, making that jump and soaring over the world’s most breathtaking landscapes is guaranteed to make it truly unforgettable. If you’re planning to take your first leap or you’re a seasoned skydiver, here are 10 of the best places to check out:

  • Mount Everest, Nepal: Experience a once-in-a-lifetime skydiving adventure by soaring above the majestic Himalayas. You'll get to witness the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest, from an unparalleled perspective.
  • The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt: While Egypt currently doesn't have any year-round drop zones, licensed operators plan annual or semi-annual events that offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to skydive over the Great Pyramids of Giza.
  • Palm Jumeirah, UAE: One of the most sought-after places to skydive in the world, Palm Jumeirah will treat you to a unique view of the desert, sea, and skyscrapers.
  • Fox Glacier, New Zealand: Jump heights extend up to 16,000 feet at Fox Glacier, offering the equivalent of a full minute's free fall. The stunning views include the glacier and the snow-covered mountains of the surrounding Westland Tai Poutini National Park, making it a breathtaking experience.
  • Waialua, Hawaii: A popular skydive location, Waialua offers free-falling above verdant island greenery and stunning coastlines with some of the bluest waters on the planet. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Skydiving Travel Insurance

Does skydiving insurance cover both tandem and solo jumps?

Yes, skydiving insurance typically covers both tandem and solo jumps, but it's important to check the specifics of your policy. Some insurance policies might have different coverage limits or requirements for each type, so always review the policy details to ensure you’re fully covered for the type of skydiving you plan to do.

Are there any age restrictions for skydiving insurance coverage?

Yes, there are often age restrictions for skydiving travel insurance coverage. Many insurers have a minimum age requirement, usually around 18 years old, to purchase coverage. Additionally, there may be upper age limits, as older individuals are considered to be a higher risk due to potential health issues.

Furthermore, some policies might require a medical check-up for senior applicants to determine eligibility. So, you should always check the specific age requirements of your insurance provider to ensure you meet their criteria.

Can I get skydiving insurance for a one-time jump?

Yes, you can get skydiving insurance for a one-time jump. Many insurance providers offer short-term policies designed specifically for single events. These policies typically cover medical expenses, personal liability, and equipment loss or damage for the duration of the jump.

How do I file a claim if I have an accident while skydiving?

Filing a claim after a skydiving accident generally involves several steps. First, seek medical attention immediately if you’re injured. Then, notify your insurance provider as soon as possible. They will guide you through the claims process, which usually requires submitting a claim form along with detailed information about the incident, such as medical reports and receipts for expenses.

What documentation is necessary to prove a claim for a skydiving accident?

To prove a claim for a skydiving accident, you'll need several key documents. These typically include a completed claim form, medical reports detailing the nature and extent of your injuries, and receipts for any medical treatments or expenses incurred. Additionally, you might need to provide witness statements, an incident report from the skydiving facility, and proof of your skydiving insurance policy. 

How much does skydiving travel insurance cost?

On average, you might expect to pay anywhere from S$50 to S$70 for a short-term skydiving insurance policy covering a single jump. Comprehensive annual policies, especially for frequent jumpers, can cost significantly more. 

The cost of skydiving travel insurance can vary widely based on several factors. These include the type of skydiving you’ll be doing (tandem or solo), the duration of coverage, your age, and any additional coverage options you choose, so you should always compare different insurance providers to find the best coverage for your needs.

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