Compare & Buy the Best Travel Health Insurance for Sri Lanka

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Last updated 30 July, 2024

Sri Lanka beckons travellers from Singapore with its enchanting mix of rich cultural heritage, lush jungles, and pristine beaches. As you plan your journey to this island nation, it's essential to consider the practicalities, notably the importance of having reliable travel insurance.

Travelling internationally, especially to a place as diverse as Sri Lanka, can bring unexpected challenges—from health emergencies to travel interruptions like lost luggage or delayed flights. Comprehensive travel insurance is vital to cover these unforeseen expenses, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of Sri Lanka without worry.

This guide provides insights into selecting the best travel insurance for your trip to Sri Lanka, offering advice on comparing providers and understanding coverage options. From medical emergencies and evacuation to safeguarding your travel plans against unexpected cancellations, we'll help ensure your travel insurance meets all your needs, making your Sri Lankan escape both safe and memorable.

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Protect yourself on your Sri Lanka trip with travel insurance.

Do You Need Travel Insurance for Sri Lanka?

While Sri Lanka is a captivating destination known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich culture, travellers from Singapore need to consider the potential risks and ensure they have adequate travel insurance coverage. Here's why we recommend securing travel insurance for your trip to Sri Lanka:

Crime Rates in Some Parts of the Region

While Sri Lanka offers a mostly peaceful environment for tourists, it’s wise to stay cautious as petty theft and other crimes do occur, especially in areas frequented by tourists. Notably, in 2022, there were reports of 948 robberies across Sri Lanka, highlighting the importance of being covered. Travel insurance acts as a safety net, providing coverage for theft and personal safety, ensuring that you can explore this beautiful island with greater peace of mind

Understanding Political Instability Risks

Sri Lanka has faced some political and economic challenges recently. In 2022, the country went through a tough economic crisis that led to food shortages and health issues, as noted by the World Food Programme. Although a US$3 billion IMF bailout has provided some relief, the potential for unexpected disruptions remains. Travel insurance is essential, covering you for trip cancellations and interruptions that could arise from such instability.

Despite recent challenges, Sri Lanka continues to enchant visitors with its breathtaking landscapes and the genuine warmth of its residents. This allure is reflected in the statistics: In December 2023, Sri Lanka saw a remarkable surge in tourist arrivals, peaking at 210,352—a 128.7% increase from previous months. This upswing, likely influenced by the peak tourist season and favourable conditions, underscores Sri Lanka’s status as a top travel destination. To fully enjoy what this vibrant island has to offer without any worries, it’s wise to secure the best travel insurance for Sri Lanka, ensuring your journey is as carefree as possible.

Comparing the Best Travel Insurance Plans for Tourists in Sri Lanka

Best Travel Insurance For:
Travel Insurance Plan For Sri Lanka
Estimated Premium Rate
Overall good value
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
Flight cancellation or delay
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
Loss of baggage
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
Overseas medical coverage
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
Pre-existing conditions
MSIG Elite Pre-Ex Plan
From S$57.00
Trip cancellation
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
FWD Premium
From S$18.67
COVID-19 coverage
Singlife Travel Lite
From S$26.57
Rental car excess
Allianz Travel Hero (APAC)
From S$22.00
Damage or loss of golf equipment
Great Eastern TravelSmart Premier Classic
From S$58.10
Loss of frequent flyer points
Singlife Travel Plus
From S$41.10

Here are the Best Travel Insurance Plans for Sri Lanka

When planning your journey from Singapore to the enchanting landscapes of Sri Lanka, selecting the right travel insurance is crucial. It ensures comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and other unexpected events, giving you peace of mind throughout your travels. 

In this section, we'll compare the best travel insurance options for visitors to Sri Lanka, helping you choose the ideal plan to cover everything from health emergencies and luggage mishaps to flight disruptions.

FWD Travel Insurance

FWD Premium stands out as an excellent choice for comprehensive travel and health insurance when heading to Sri Lanka from Singapore. Here’s a breakdown of what the FWD Premium Plan offers:

  • Total Medical Coverage: Provides up to S$200,000 for overseas medical expenses, ensuring ample protection during medical emergencies.
  • Trip Cancellation: Offers up to S$7,500 coverage for trip cancellations, reimbursing you for non-refundable expenses if your trip is unexpectedly cancelled.
  • Loss of Baggage: Covers up to S$3,000 for loss or damage of baggage, helping you replace essential items without financial stress.
  • Customisable Options: Allows you to tailor coverage based on your specific travel needs, enhancing the flexibility and relevance of your policy.

MSIG Travel Insurance

MSIG's Elite Pre-Ex Plan is tailored for travellers with pre-existing medical conditions, offering peace of mind with its comprehensive medical coverage:

  • Pre-existing Condition Coverage: Up to S$250,000 coverage, ensuring travellers with existing health issues are well protected.
  • Overseas Medical Expenses: Provides a substantial S$500,000 coverage for medical treatments abroad.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to S$10,000 reimbursement for non-refundable expenses due to cancelled trips.
  • Loss of Baggage: Ensures up to S$5,000 coverage for lost or damaged luggage.

Allianz Travel Insurance

Allianz Travel Hero (APAC) is an ideal option for travellers planning a road trip in Sri Lanka, providing extensive protection, including coverage for rental car excess. This ensures you’re well-covered as you explore the island’s scenic routes by car.

  • Rental Car Excess: Offers S$2,000 coverage for rental car excess, providing additional protection while renting vehicles.
  • Overseas Medical Expenses: Up to S$350,000 for medical emergencies, offering one of the highest coverages available.
  • Trip Cancellation: Provides up to S$10,000 for non-refundable expenses if your trip is cancelled.
  • Loss of Baggage: Offers up to S$5,000 coverage for lost or damaged luggage.

Great Eastern Travel Insurance

For avid golfers heading to the greens of Sri Lanka, the Great Eastern TravelSmart Premier Classic offers specialised coverage for damage or loss of golf equipment, ensuring your gear is protected.

  • Damage or Loss of Golf Equipment: Up to S$500 coverage, ensuring golf enthusiasts are covered against equipment loss or damage.
  • Overseas Medical Coverage: Offers up to S$300,000 for medical expenses incurred abroad.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to S$10,000 coverage for non-refundable expenses due to trip cancellations.
  • Loss of Baggage: Provides up to S$5,000 to cover lost or stolen luggage.

Singlife Travel Insurance

Singlife’s suite of travel insurance plans is excellent for those with significant travel rewards investments, offering:

  • Loss of Frequent Flyer Points: Covers losses of frequent flyer, hotel points, and credit card points.
  • Overseas Medical Expenses: Up to S$2,000,000 coverage, one of the highest in the market.
  • Trip Cancellation: Provides S$15,000 for non-refundable expenses.
  • Additional Outdoor Activity Coverage: Includes comprehensive coverage for a variety of outdoor activities.
  • COVID-19 Overseas Medical Expense: Provides up to S$50,000 for medical expenses related to COVID-19, ensuring robust coverage in these uncertain times.
  • Extra Discounts for MINDEF/MHA/POGIS Policyholders: Offers additional savings, making it an affordable option for eligible travellers.

Comparing Sri Lankan Travel Insurance Coverage

Travel Insurance Provider
Overseas Medical Expenses
Covid Insurance for Travel to Sri Lanka
Loss/Damage of Personal Baggage
Trip Cancellation
Total Premium
From S$18.67
From S$57.00
From S$22.00
Great Eastern 
From S$58.10
From S$41.10

When choosing a travel insurance plan for Sri Lanka, it’s important to consider specific needs such as coverage for pre-existing conditions, the extent of medical coverage, and particular benefits like COVID-19 medical expenses which are crucial in the current travel climate. 

For those engaging in particular activities such as driving or golf, online travel insurance plans like Allianz Travel Hero and Great Eastern TravelSmart Premier Classic offer specific benefits. These benefits complement your hobbies while enhancing your travel security on the island.


Plan ahead for your Sri Lanka trip with travel insurance.

Important Travel Insurance Coverage for Sri Lanka

Travelling to Sri Lanka presents a myriad of experiences from exploring ancient ruins to relaxing on pristine beaches. However, unexpected events can occur, and it's always best to have travel insurance that covers a range of potential issues. 

Medical Expenses

When travelling to regions like Sri Lanka, encountering diseases that are less common at home is possible. The country's tropical climate can increase the risk of diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Ensuring your travel insurance covers medical expenses is vital, as it can mitigate the high costs of treatment and hospitalisation in unfamiliar medical systems.

Loss of Belongings

Travelling can sometimes mean dealing with the unexpected loss or theft of personal items. Having travel insurance for Sri Lanka that covers the loss of belongings ensures you're compensated and can replace essential items, allowing you to continue enjoying your trip without significant disruptions.

COVID-19 Medical Expenses

The ongoing global pandemic has made COVID insurance for travel to Sri Lanka a critical component of travel planning. This coverage is essential for handling possible COVID-19 related health issues, providing coverage for testing, treatment, and in some cases, quarantine costs.

Flight Delay or Cancellation

Flight delays and cancellations are frustrating and can have a domino effect on your travel plans. Hence when you choose the best travel insurance for Sri Lanka, you are compensated for the inconveniences caused by such disruptions, helping you manage unexpected changes smoothly.

All-Time Global Emergency Assistance

Comprehensive travel insurance includes around-the-clock global emergency assistance. No matter where you are in Sri Lanka, you can access immediate help for medical emergencies, lost passports, or legal troubles, making your travel safer and less stressful.

Flexibility in Changing Travel Plans

Travel plans can often change unexpectedly due to various reasons, from personal emergencies to sudden changes in travel advisories. Travel insurance provides the flexibility to alter your itinerary without incurring hefty fees, ensuring that you can adapt to new circumstances with minimal financial impact.

Natural Disasters in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's location in the Indian Ocean exposes it to natural disasters such as monsoons, floods, and landslides. For example, the northeast monsoon in October 2023 triggered significant flooding and landslides across the country. Travel insurance that covers natural disasters is indispensable. It offers protection against the unexpected, helping you recover from possible trip disruptions or cancellations due to such events.

How to Choose the Best Travel Insurance for Your Sri Lanka Trip 

1. Understand the Coverage Level You Need

While cost is an important factor, and finding cheap travel insurance for Sri Lanka might be tempting, the scope of coverage should be your primary consideration. Ensure the travel insurance plan you choose covers a range of issues such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and loss of personal belongings. Given Sri Lanka's diverse environment, from bustling cities to remote natural sites, your insurance must provide comprehensive protection for both health-related emergencies and travel-related incidents.

2. Check for Pre-existing Condition Coverage

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, make sure your travel insurance covers these. Sri Lanka's adventure activities and varying climate can sometimes exacerbate health issues. This makes having comprehensive coverage very important. 

Look for travel insurance that offers medical treatment coverage. This includes overseas hospitalisation allowance and emergency evacuation, to safeguard against unexpected health complications while abroad.

3. Compare Insurance Premiums

The cost of travel insurance varies based on the duration of your stay and the comprehensiveness of the plan. Analyse different plans to find one that provides the best value for your budget and travel needs. Some insurers may offer tiered pricing based on the level of coverage provided, so it's worthwhile to spend time comparing these to find the best fit for your trip to Sri Lanka.

4. Check for Coverage for Specific Activities

Sri Lanka is renowned for its outdoor activities, such as surfing, hiking, and diving. If your trip includes these types of adventures, ensure your insurance plan specifically covers such activities. Specialised coverage is crucial for high-risk activities to ensure you're protected in case of accidents or injuries.

5. Consider Insurance for Travel Disruptions and Personal Property Protection

Travel plans can change unexpectedly, whether it's due to Sri Lanka's shifting weather and political landscape or personal reasons like sudden illness or emergencies at home. Choose a travel insurance policy that allows for flexibility in modifying plans without hefty penalties, ensuring coverage for trip cancellations or adjustments prompted by these unforeseen circumstances.

Travel Tips & Safety for Sri Lanka

Travelling to Sri Lanka offers a wealth of cultural and natural experiences, but like any destination, it's essential to prioritise your safety and security. Here are some practical tips to help ensure a smooth and secure journey:

Take Care of Your Belongings

When exploring the vibrant streets and beautiful landscapes of Sri Lanka, always keep a close watch on your personal items. Busy tourist spots can attract pickpockets. Use bags that close securely, and consider using anti-theft backpacks or bags with lockable zippers. It's also wise to make use of hotel safes or secure storage options for valuable items like passports, travel documents, and electronics when you’re out sightseeing.

Don’t Carry Luxury or Other Expensive Items Openly

Flaunting expensive jewellery, gadgets, or designer accessories can make you a target for theft. To avoid drawing unwanted attention, keep luxury items to a minimum or leave them at home. If you must carry expensive items, ensure they are discreetly stored and never left unattended. Being less conspicuous with your valuables helps reduce the risk of becoming a target for thieves.

Avoid Carrying Large Amounts of Cash

Carrying large sums of cash can be risky, especially in unfamiliar environments. Instead, opt for safer payment methods like credit cards or mobile payment solutions, which are widely accepted in major cities and tourist areas. If you need to carry cash, only take what you need for the day and split it between different pockets or bags to minimise potential losses. Additionally, it’s prudent to utilise money belts or hidden pouches to secure your cash discreetly.

FAQ for Travellers heading to Sri Lanka

How safe is it to travel to Sri Lanka right now?

Singaporeans planning a trip to Sri Lanka should stay updated and cautious, given the dynamic local conditions. It's important to remain vigilant, keep abreast of local news, and follow the guidance of local authorities closely, particularly avoiding large public gatherings. Always keep in touch with your family and friends to assure them of your safety. Before travelling, securing comprehensive travel insurance is crucial; familiarise yourself with its coverage and terms.

Be alert to potential risks such as violent crime, including incidents like drink spiking, sexual assault, and theft, which can occur in tourist areas. Exercise general safety measures: monitor your surroundings, secure your belongings, and avoid walking alone at night.

What are do's and don'ts in Sri Lanka?

DO: Respect Local Customs

  • Always ask for permission before taking photos of people. Sri Lankans generally respond positively if approached respectfully.
  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting sacred sites. Women should consider carrying a scarf to cover their shoulders, and men should avoid wearing shorts and sleeveless tops in public and sacred places.
  • Remove shoes when entering religious sites.


  • Drink tap water, as it may be unsafe for those not accustomed to it. Stick to sealed bottled water and be cautious about using ice outside reputable hotels and restaurants.
  • Take photographs in restricted areas inside temples or with your back facing religious icons like Buddha, as it's considered disrespectful.

Do Singaporeans need a visa to enter Sri Lanka?

Singaporeans typically do not require a visa for short visits to Sri Lanka, but visa regulations can change rapidly. Always confirm the latest visa requirements with a reliable source before travelling, such as the High Commission of Sri Lanka in Singapore. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended departure date from Sri Lanka.

How to prepare for a trip to Sri Lanka?

Preparing for a trip to Sri Lanka involves several key steps:

  • Health Precautions: Consult with a travel health clinic or your doctor well in advance to discuss any necessary vaccinations or health precautions.
  • Travel Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, theft, and unexpected trip cancellations or interruptions.
  • Cultural Research: Familiarise yourself with local customs, etiquette, and any specific regional advisories.
  • Pack Appropriately: Considering Sri Lanka's tropical climate, pack lightweight clothing, sun protection, and mosquito repellent. Don't forget to bring adapters for charging devices and any necessary medications.

Do Singaporeans need ETA to Sri Lanka?

Singaporeans do not need an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) for short visits to Sri Lanka, making travel to the island nation more convenient. However, it’s crucial to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended date of departure from Sri Lanka to avoid any travel complications. Always check the latest entry requirements before your trip, as immigration policies can change.

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