The Best Travel Insurance for High Risk Country

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SingSaver team

Last updated 01 July, 2024

Travelling to high-risk countries can put you in dangerous areas such as war zones, crisis or disaster relief zones, or regions affected by political unrest, terrorist activity or natural disasters.


In such unpredictable environments, it’s necessary to secure travel insurance for high-risk countries so you’re protected in case anything goes wrong.

High-risk country travel insurance is a specialised type of travel insurance that ensures you are covered in the event of emergencies that are more likely to occur in these areas. This includes emergency evacuations, crisis response services, and support for medical or security issues. 

Why You Need a Specialised High-risk Country Travel Insurance Plan

High-risk countries are fraught with dangers that increase your chances of coming into contact with physical dangers. These nations often have unstable political climates, heightened security risks, or environmental hazards. 

According to the World Population Review, high-risk countries like Afghanistan and Syria have high Crime Indexes at 78.4 and 69.1 respectively, indicating higher rates of violent incidents compared to more stable regions. The infrastructure in these countries can often be underdeveloped, which complicates emergency response efforts and institutional support, making robust travel insurance even more critical.

Table of Contents

The Best High-Risk Voyager Travel Insurance Plans

High-Risk Voyager Single Trip Travel Insurance (Standard)

The High-Risk Voyager Single Trip Travel Insurance covers travellers visiting destinations where the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against “all travel” or “all but essential travel”.

  • Emergency Medical Expenses: Coverage up to £300,000, ensuring significant financial support in case of medical emergencies.
  • Trip Cancellation or Curtailment: Provides up to £1,500, compensating you in case your travel plans are cancelled.
  • Baggage Personal Effects & Equipment Owned by You: Get up to £1,500 coverage to protect against loss or damage to your personal belongings and travel gear.
  • Hijack, Mugging, Piracy and Wrongful Detention Limit (per day): Coverage up to a daily limit of £1,000, providing an extra layer of security in extreme situations.
  • Includes 24/7 emergency medical helpline & assistance

High-Risk Voyager Aid Worker Travel Insurance

The High-Risk Voyager Aid Worker Travel Insurance is a specialist plan for aid workers travelling to dangerous locations such as war zones, crisis zones and disaster relief zones.

  • Emergency Medical Expenses: Coverage up to £1,000,000 to manage significant medical issues arising during your mission.
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation / Repatriation: Also covered up to £1,000,000, ensuring you can be transported to a medical facility with adequate care or returned home if necessary.
  • Cancellation Cover: Up to £1,500 compensation for non-refundable costs against unforeseen cancellations.
  • Baggage Cover: Protects personal effects and equipment up to £1,500, covering loss or damage.
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Helpline & Assistance: Immediate access to help and advice, crucial for aid workers in remote or unstable areas.
  • PTSD Assessment/Counselling Following a Covered Hostile Event: Up to £25,000 for therapy and counselling following a hostile event.

Comparing High Risk Voyager Travel Insurance Coverage

High-Risk Voyager Insurance Plan
Emergency Medical Expenses
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Political or Natural Disaster
Hijacking, Mugging, Piracy or Wrongful Detention
Personal Accident
PTSD Assessment/Counselling
Single Trip Travel Insurance (Standard)
Up to £300,000
Up to £1,000,000
Up to £1,000 (per day)
Aid Worker Travel Insurance
Up to £300,000
Up to £1,000,000
Up to £10,0000
Up to £2,500
Up to £15,000
Up to £25,000

How Does Travel Insurance for High Risk Countries Differ from Standard Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance for high-risk countries is specifically designed to meet the demands of travellers visiting regions susceptible to conflict, natural disasters, or severe political instability. This type of insurance is crucial for individuals such as journalists, aid workers, and business professionals who often travel to high-risk areas. 

High-risk country travel insurance typically includes the same coverage you might find in standard travel insurance policies, such as coverage for overseas medical expenses and baggage loss, however, they also include other coverage such as emergency evacuation and repatriation of remains, and support for incidents like kidnapping or wrongful detention. 

High-risk travel insurance also offers coverage in regions where travel advisories warn against all but essential travel. This ensures that individuals in potentially dangerous environments receive protection where typical travel insurance does not cover.

Enhanced Coverage Options for High-Risk Country Travel Insurance

Travel insurance for high-risk countries may offer enhanced coverage options and benefits that you won’t find in normal travel insurance. These additional benefits are tailored to protect the policyholder in environments where standard policies may not suffice. Here are some of the key benefits provided by High Risk Voyager travel insurance:

  • 24/7 emergency medical assistance helpline
  • Emergency air ambulance and medical evacuation services
  • Discounts for taking recognised risk management, travel safety and personal security advice before departure
  • Pre-travel country profile information
  • NGS SOS App
  • The ability to buy travel insurance after booking your trip 
  • Choice of up to 5 territorial zones of cover including war, crisis and disaster relief zones

How to Choose the Most Suitable Travel Insurance Plans for High Risk Countries

It’s important to choose the right travel insurance for high-risk countries to ensure adequate coverage and peace of mind, not just for yourself, but for friends and loved ones back home too. Here’s some factors to consider when deciding on a plan: 

Destination-Specific Risks: Evaluate the political, environmental, and health-related risks prevalent in the destination. This will help you determine the type of coverage you need, especially for regions known for political unrest or natural hazards.

Duration of Stay: The length of your trip will impact the type of coverage you need. Longer stays might require more comprehensive plans, which include extensive medical care, emergency evacuations, and possibly even periodic renewals of the policy.

Risk Profile: Consider your activities during the stay. For example, if you’re involved in humanitarian aid in a conflict zone, you’ll need a plan that covers war and terrorism. 

Medical Coverage Needs: Ensure the policy includes substantial coverage for medical costs, particularly in remote or underdeveloped regions where you might need to be evacuated to a facility with adequate care.

Emergency Services: The ability to access 24/7 emergency assistance is non-negotiable. Ensure that the insurance provides robust support for evacuation and repatriation, especially critical in high-risk zones.

Common Exclusions and Limitations for High-risk Country Travel Insurance Plans

Although high-risk country travel insurance offers broader coverage compared to standard policies, it’s not exempt from exclusions and limitations. Some typical exclusions found in high-risk travel insurance policies include: 

  • Pre-existing Conditions: Many policies do not cover medical issues known prior to the coverage start date unless explicitly stated otherwise. It’s important to review your policy details to clarify whether your specific medical history is covered.
  • Substance Influence: Incidents resulting from the consumption of alcohol or drugs are generally not covered. This exclusion is standard across many types of insurance due to the increased risk of accidents or injuries.
  • Travel Against Medical Advice: If you travel despite medical advice instructing not to do so, any resulting medical claims may not be covered. 
  • Change of Mind: If you choose not to continue with your trip due to a change of heart, most travel insurance providers will not cover this scenario. 
  • Criminal or Illegal Acts: Engaging in criminal activities or actions deemed illegal in the destination country will void your coverage. This includes damages, injuries, or losses incurred during such acts.

Essential Safety Measures for High-Risk Travel Destinations

While travel insurance for high-risk countries can protect you to some extent, it’s important to practise awareness and travel smartly when visiting dangerous areas. Here are some tips to stay safe:

  1. Conceal Your Valuables: Keep valuables hidden and carry minimal cash. Use a concealed money belt or a securely fastened bag for carrying essential items to reduce the risk of theft.
  2. Choose Safe Transportation: Opt for reputable transportation services from established providers. Avoid unmarked taxis and unofficial ride-sharing services, and always verify the driver's credentials before getting into the vehicle.
  3. Avoid Walking Alone at Night: Stay in well-lit, populous areas, particularly after dark. Consider using a local guide or joining a group for evening outings to enhance your safety.
  4. Maintain a Low Profile: Dress modestly, avoid flashy jewellery, and keep a low profile to avoid drawing attention. Be discreet about discussing your travel plans or personal details in public or on social media.
  5. Respect Local Customs: Dress appropriately and be mindful of local customs, especially in conservative or religious areas. Understanding local traditions can help avoid behaviours that might be considered offensive.
  6. Select Secure Accommodations: Choose well-reviewed accommodations in safe neighbourhoods. Use online review sites and travel forums to find the best options for a safe stay.
  7. Be Wary of Strangers: Exercise caution when offered food or drinks by strangers, particularly in high-risk areas where tampering might be more common. Always keep an eye on your beverages in public places.
  8. Stay Connected: Keep regular contact with family and friends back home. Share your itinerary and check in frequently to confirm your safety. Use messaging apps or social media to maintain communication.
  9. Safeguard Important Documents: Keep important documents like passports and travel insurance information secure. Make copies and store them separately from the originals in a safe place like a hotel safe or a hidden luggage compartment.
  10. Know Emergency Procedures: Familiarise yourself with local emergency services, including the numbers to call, and know the locations of the nearest hospitals and police stations.

FAQs for High-risk Country Travel Insurance

What criteria determines if a destination is classified as high-risk for travel insurance purposes?

High-risk countries or destinations are typically classified as high-risk based on the travel advisories issued by the country from which you are departing or where you are purchasing the travel insurance. These advisories reflect various factors, including political instability, ongoing conflict, threat of terrorism, and prevalence of severe infectious diseases. It's crucial to consult these advisories when planning your travel to understand the risk level of your destination.

Can high-risk travel insurance policies be customised to include coverage for activities like adventure sports or conflict zone journalism?

Yes, high-risk country travel insurance policies can often be tailored to include additional coverage for specific activities such as adventure sports or journalism in conflict zones. These coverages may be available as optional add-ons or as separate, dedicated plans. It's important to thoroughly review the policy details to ensure that it meets your specific needs and that all desired activities are covered.

How quickly can assistance be provided in case of an emergency in a high-risk area?

The speed of assistance in high-risk areas can vary depending on factors such as the specific location, the availability of local resources, and the presence of 24/7 emergency services. Travel insurance providers typically outline the expected response times and available services in their policies. It’s advisable to check these details before departure to understand how and when help can be provided in an emergency, ensuring you know what to expect and how to quickly access help if needed.

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