Air Miles vs Cash Back: Will You Be On the Winning Team?

SingSaver team

SingSaver team

Last updated 07 January, 2019

Apply for the best Air Miles or Cashback credit cards through SingSaver and stand to receive a cash Ang Pow of over $1,000 this Chinese New Year!

History has always had its great rivalries – iOS vs Android, Federer vs Nadal, Liverpool FC vs Manchester United.

Air Miles vs Cash Back.

The two warring camps – championed by The MileLion and Budget Babe respectively – have long been at loggerheads over which offers better value. While those on #TeamAirMiles will say that they are about playing the long game, those on #TeamCashBack argue that cashback pays you interest while miles lose value over time.

Air Miles vs Cash Back Credit Cards Chinese New Year 2019 | SingSaver

L to R: Team Leaders for #TeamCashBack and #TeamAirMiles, Budget Babe and The MileLion respectively

The great battle between Air Miles vs Cash Back

To settle the score once and for all, we’re running a Chinese New Year challenge to see which team can rally the most supporters to their side!

The Air Miles vs Cash Back campaign runs from now till 31 January 2019. And the best part? Stand to win a cash Ang Pow of over $1,000 simply by applying for a credit card!

Check out what team captains Budget Babe and TheMileLion have to say about the competition:

Pick a side and apply for a credit card

Decide if you’re #TeamAirMiles or #TeamCashBack and apply for your respective card of choice. There are 12 cards to choose from, each with SingSaver-exclusive rewards. Every application counts as one point towards your team.

Air Miles vs Cash Back 2019 | SingSaver

Air Miles vs Cashback Infographic | SingSaver

Air Miles vs Cash Back Credit Cards Chinese New Year 2019 | SingSaver

Timothy Ho of Dollars and Sense: "I'm with #TeamAirMiles because it's the winning team."

Air Miles vs Cash Back Credit Cards Chinese New Year 2019 | SingSaver

Alison Liew aka Heartland Boy chooses #TeamCashBack because time is money – especially now that he is a father.

How you can win  

Exclusive SingSaver sign-up gifts

Every successful credit card application through SingSaver during this period comes with up to S$200 worth of cash and rewards. Rewards are stackable, so the more cards you apply for, the more rewards you receive.

Check out our terms and conditions on eligibility.  

Team Bonus Gift

If your team wins, a Team Bonus Gift of up to $50 cash is awarded per successful card application! The bonus gift per card ranges from $20-$50 depending on the number of points accumulated by the winning team.

Read more about this in our FAQ.

$888 Ang Pow for Facebook Giveaway contest

After applying for a credit card through SingSaver, simply:

  1. ‘Like’ our Facebook post
  2. Comment why you think air miles or cashback is better
  3. Tag 3 friends to share the contest with them

The person from the winning team with the most creative comment will win a cool $888 in cash! HUAT ah!

Maximise your chances of winning over $1,000 in Ang Pow cash

Spread the word! Share our competition page and Facebook page and get your friends and family to participate – the more eligible applications you garner for your team, the higher your chances of winning, and the higher your Team Bonus Gift!

Pro tip: Apply for both Air Miles and Cash Back cards and be a part of both teams. Shhhh.

What are you waiting for? Apply for an Air Miles or Cash Back credit card and receive your highest ever Ang Pow of more than $1,000 in cash this Chinese New Year!

Air Miles vs Cash Back 2019 | SingSaver

What to read next?

Air Miles Cards: 8 Questions to Help You Pick The Right One

‘Why I Prefer Miles Over Cashback Cards, All Day, Every Day’

Cashback vs Miles: ‘Why I’m Team Cashback and Proud of It’

Cashback or Rewards Credit Cards: Which is Better?

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